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How to remain Self-motivated in spite of work stress ???

How to remain Self-motivated in spite of the work stress??? Are you getting obsessed with the pressure in your workplace??? Get excited with these cool tricks to keep yourself motivated always!!! Sometimes, unfortunately, we might have to face issues apart from our working conditions which we might ruin our valuable time. It could be as simple as a child in your class throwing tantrums or to the extent of a parent launching complaints against you as a teacher for silly reasons. Whatever it might be these kinds of complications have a high chance of ruining your confidence and productivity. Hence, try to be Self-motivated at all times and face it boldly to stay focused in your career.  Have Excellent bondage with your Colleagues:   Get to know your colleagues well and try to help them as much as possible in their hard times with a good motive so that they might also lend their hands when you are going through tough times. Be an optimistic person and completely ignore your egois...

Effective Classroom Management.

Classroom Management : 

Classroom Management is a skill that every teacher should possess. Not all the teachers are able to handle their  classes  efficiently but some will naturally excel in this field. In my perspective, these teachers carry the innate ability to handle the kids rather than acquiring it through experience. There are also  teachers with their consistent efforts and practices achieve this classroom management. 

We as practitioners put our tireless efforts to make outstanding lesson plans to execute in our classrooms. The bitter truth is , if a class is not in our control guess what ? Yes , you are right . We get frustrated and drop our idea of executing the lesson. Imagine , if it happens during our Classroom Observation ! Then some of us may also drop the idea of being a teacher itself!😐😐😐😐, just kidding guys! .  Hence , Classroom Management must be in every teacher's list ranked number 1 always, because if you are a teacher who can shape your students according to your wish , then for sure the whole world is in your hands. You need not to worry about anything and can showcase your teaching skills as much as you can. 

Here , I am going to share with you about some best Classroom Management Strategies that worked for me !

1. Rhymes : 

Music and movement are something that catches the attention of Kindergartners. They learn everything through rhymes like , days of a week , months of a year, cleanliness and hygiene, daily routines etc.. If my class is noisy and scattered , I used to sing a rhyme , " Calm down , Calm down, Everybody just calm down, Sit down , Sit down Everybody just sit down" in a soothing voice. This rhyme has the power to interfere with the emotions of the children who are active and busy and when they hear their teacher singing softly their mind gets relaxed.  Kinesthetic actions along with this rhyme can be used to build a rapport with them. Finally, your success lies in, if you sing this , they have to respond to you and gather in the mat to listen to your lesson. 

2. Phrases: 

Phrases are same like rhymes but it has an immediate effect. You can say simple phrases like , " Eyes on me children " and they could reply you with " Eyes on you teacher" or telling numbers , " 1,2,3 and in turn they say , " 3,2,1" . 

3. Ringing a Bell : 

A bell can be kept in your class and whenever you want your class to assemble on the mat for a starter activity or for a plenary, you can just ring the bell and draw their attention. Try out this strategy and make this as a routine. You will see your class getting settled quickly than you think. The bell sound makes them alert and they have some sort of races with their peers to run to the mat first. Moreover , It is a fun activity for them to run to the mat and get settled. 

4. Technology

There are lot of apps which allows us to give smileys or stars . So, you can airplay the app and can motivate the kids to settle fast so that they could get a smiley. You will see children rapidly settling to grab their smiley with a proud and smiley face. The moment you click a smiley near their name icon, they will feel like they are at the top of the world and start listening to whatever you say. 

To sum up, Classroom Management is the key factor to succeed and grow in your career as a teacher. Hence try these strategies in your class and revert to me about which strategy worked best for you. 


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