How to remain Self-motivated in spite of the work stress??? Are you getting obsessed with the pressure in your workplace??? Get excited with these cool tricks to keep yourself motivated always!!! Sometimes, unfortunately, we might have to face issues apart from our working conditions which we might ruin our valuable time. It could be as simple as a child in your class throwing tantrums or to the extent of a parent launching complaints against you as a teacher for silly reasons. Whatever it might be these kinds of complications have a high chance of ruining your confidence and productivity. Hence, try to be Self-motivated at all times and face it boldly to stay focused in your career. Have Excellent bondage with your Colleagues: Get to know your colleagues well and try to help them as much as possible in their hard times with a good motive so that they might also lend their hands when you are going through tough times. Be an optimistic person and completely ignore your egois...
OUTSTANDING LESSON PLAN : Friends, What do you think is the secret behind every successful teacher? I believe that if a teacher is capable of making outstanding lesson plans she will also be able to deliver outstanding lessons. As a fresher in Kindergarten, it could be overwhelming for an educator to draft an outstanding plan. Here is the checklist that could be referred back by any tu.tor after completing your lesson plan. 1. SMART OBJECTIVE : SMART stands for S pecific M easurable A chievable R ealistic T ime-bound. The objective should be SMART as it plays a major role in Attainment. Your lesson will go outstanding if 90% of your class is able to achieve the objective. When I say " Attainable " some of you may think that you can fix an easy objective so that above 90% of your class will achieve it. I am so sorry my dears!!! It also depends on the challenges faced by your class. How far they had been challenged in their lessons. If your 90% of your cl...